Whether you’re new to self-publishing or you've been in game for a while, audience building is a crucial step for a successful book launch and consistent book sales. It's the difference between begging people to buy your book and having people begging to buy your book.
But Here's the Problem:
Most self-published authors are struggling to sell
because most authors jump into the publishing and launch processes without putting much thought into who will actually buy the book once it's released.
Practice the Publish and Pray strategy: They throw the book up on Amazon KDP, make a social media post, and pray that it sells. But then .. it doesn't.​​
Have way too much confidence: So they think everybody is going rush to buy their book just because it's just so good! But then ... they don't.​
Think tricks & hacks will bring success: So they manipulate the Amazon algorithm so they can screenshot a temporary bestseller status for bragging rights. But ... it has no weight and doesn't last.

It's time to stop publishing & praying and start building a loyal audience that wants to buy your books!
Everything you need to build a Book-Buying target-reader audience, so you can ditch the Publish & Pray Method and build a foundation for successful book launches and consistent book sales.
Are you ready?!


Myth Buster #1: "Build it and they will come" only works for the movies, not your book sales.
Launching without an audience is like throwing a party without inviting guests ...

A lot of authors get it backwards, rushing to publish and launch the book as quickly as possible, then scrambling in vain to try to convince random people to buy it.
But here's the thing; nobody wants to buy your book, or any book for that matter, because a book without context holds no value. And sadly, many authors don't realize this until launch time ... when it's too late.
You have to invite people to the party if you want them to come. People will only buy your book when they know, like, and trust your brand, which is why you must build your audience BEFORE you launch.
You're struggling to build your audience because you don't know how to be engaging and interactive. You're probably a friendly person in real life, but self-consciousness and introversion take over when it comes to putting yourself out there.
You're not sure how to show up on social media beyond posting pictures. The idea of making video content terrifies you, especially because you have no clue what you should even talk about.
It seems impossible to grow your email list because you don't know how to approach your target readers in a way that would make them want to give up their precious email addresses without a fight.
You can build an engaged audience of target readers who will buy up all your books, but something is holding you back.

With no time or money to waste on common mistakes; you want to get this right, whether it's the fist time or a re-do. This is your future on the line; but you're just not sure who to trust.

You have a ready-to-buy target audience filled with enthusiasts for your brand. They're always on GO, lapping up anything you launch, whether it's a book or another product or service.
You've hit the jackpot because you're living and working in your purpose, with the privilege of being able to focus on the craft, instead of convincing people to buy your book.
You feel accomplished, anticipated, loved, and admired, like Beyoncé when she's about to drop an album. You know that when you launch your book, your audience is going to buy it. Period.
You're at ease, with less overwhelm, less trial and error, less effort to master a process that seems impossible and ever changing because you've identified the perfect readers who just GET you.
Audience Builder Blueprint breaks down a proven audience-building process in bite-sized details and easy-to-learn, implementable steps. With all the tools and support you need to take action and see results, this course is all bang and no fluff.

all the tools you need to grow a ready-to-buy
audience in one place:
With 1:1coaching
With DFY templates
With step-by-step video classes
With Lifetime Access

Don't Just Take My Word For It!

build your ready-to-buy audience in
Monique was able to give me clear direction and a system that has been proven to work. She helped me clearly identify my brand and provided information and tools required to grow my business. I am now reaching my ideal readers, attracting coaching clients, and I feel confident with the books I publish.
- NicoleMcClendon

I'm blown away by the content for this course. I've been struggling to define and communicate what my brand is about, but this course has helped me so much already. The prompts and research are on point, and I had some really great "aha" moments that have really helped me understand the value I offer.
- Montrez

I loved working with Monique! She helped me to identify my target audience, what my offer is, my branding, and communicate that with the world. With Monique's help, I went from 770ish followers in February to over 13,000 followers in December of the same year! And I'm also growing my email list fast!
- Nikieta Lambert

Build a profitable author brand that attracts the perfect target readers.
Build your author brand from scratch with my proprietary 5-step Brand Builder Blueprint
Identify a marketable genre for your book and the specific type of reader who is meant to fall in love with your books.
Create an authentic and relatable brand identity that connects you with your target readers and makes you stand out amongst the crowd.
Craft an irresistible brand offer based on values and interests that your readers just can't refuse.
Take your target readers on an intentional journey with your brand with a compelling brand message that encourages them to know, like, and trust you.
Phase 01

Create a high-value free offer that will help you build your email list fast!
Brainstorm ideas for two different types of free, valuable offers that will be no-brainers for your audience and have them rushing to opt-in.
Create a high-quality lead magnet that will impress your target readers and prime them to buy your paid book.
Build a high-converting landing page for your lead magnet that represents your brand and makes your lead magnet an obvious choice.
Use done-for-you Canva templates to create beautiful mockup images for your lead magnet to use for promo.
Phase 02

Design a high-converting website that drives email opt-ins while you sleep.
Set up the basics for your website so it can serve as home base for your author brand and optimize your results.
Design or re-design your website so that it communicates your brand message, showcases your brand value, and drives traffic to your email list.
Build a landing page for your paid book that will highlight its value and drive direct sales for your book to increase your profits.
Use done-for-you templates to guide you through the design process when you're ready to implement what you've learned and design your site.
Phase 03

Create a marketable IG page & addictive content that grows your followers fast!
Set up your Instagram author page like a branded business that clearly highlights your value.
Create addictive content that speaks your target readers' language and keeps them glued to your page.
Boost engagement with proven methods that will keep your followers involved and invested!
Learn the simple 20-minute-a-day routine that helped me gain 1,000 followers per month.
Use done-for-you content prompts, plug-n-play captions, and a ready-made content calendar to make creating and posting valuable content super easy.
Phase 04

Build an email list of target readers & create a bond that goes beyond the book
Set up your email list with an email service provider and all the required integrations to get you started.
Create lists and tags to segment your email subscribers for more personalized communication and targeted marketing.
Create automated email sequences that welcome your subscribers, warm them up to your brand, and prime them to buy your books.
Learn how to manage your email metrics to ensure optimal results.
Drive organic traffic to your email list with methods that have been proven to help you gain visibility and get more subscribers.
Use plug-n-play email templates to make creating email content fun and super easy!
Phase 05
Myth Buster #2: Book marketing isn't an "either you have it or you don't" thing. It's a learned skill; all you need is a teacher.

Everything you need to ditch the Publish & Pray Method and start building a Book-Buying audience for consistent book sales.
What's Included?
Lifetime access to the online course portal with video lessons and workbooks in all 5 phases of audience building.
One-on-one strategy calls with me for personalized coaching, planning, and support.
Done-for-you templates, scripts, checklists, and cheatsheets for fun and easy implementation. ​

Is Audience Builder Blueprint for you?
If you're new to this whole author thing and you've never self-published a book before, even if you're still writing or you're nowhere near ready to publish, ideally, the audience-building process starts well before you publish your book, so this is perfect timing for you!
If you're a seasoned author who has self-published several books, I get it; you've been down this road before, but ... you're just not seeing the results you want. This is your chance to back it up, flip it, and do it right the NEXT time around, and even get more traction for your existing books. You're right on time!
If you're a fiction author, that's cool; I started as a fiction author too, so I know exactly what it takes to connect with fiction readers and make them see the value in your author brand, even if you're not teaching anything or offering results. You have value too, and the right readers will see it. You can do this!
If you're a nonfiction author, luckily, I know the nonfiction side of the coin too. As an entrepreneur who solves a problem for her audience, you and I are running on parallel tracks. What works for me to grow my audience will work for you too, and that's exactly what I teach inside ABB--my own strategies!

I'm Monique Mensah!
I'm your Personal Self-Publishing Assistant, empowering ambitious self-published authors to publish premium-quality books, build memorable brands, and create systems and strategies for consistent book sales.
I'm a 90's hip-hop and R&B aficionado, a coffee enthusiast, and a connoisseur of big hoop earrings and long acrylic nails.
But maybe a little more relevant to you ... I'm also a 3-time award-winning self-published author of 6 novels, with over 50,000 book sales under my belt in less than two years (back in my hay day), and in the last three years I have helped over 300 self-published authors publish premium books that don't LOOK self-published while showing them how to build a Book-Buying online audience.
I created this course because I want to help people transform from struggling authors into Savvy Self-Publishers with with a foundation for more book sales, more income, and a real chance to live out their dreams of becoming a successful (maybe even full-time) authors.
I also firmly believe that building an audience of ready-to-buy target readers is the key to unlock the future that is waiting for you as the successful author you deserve to be.
hey there!
Myth Buster #3: A bunch of IG followers doesn't equal a bunch of book sales.You've gotta know what to DO with those followers!

Audience Builder Blueprint is the easiest way to learn how to build your audience at your own pace!
This is strictly a digital program, so you can access it from anywhere at any time through our private course portal.
There are no in-person meetings, no travel is required, and the modules are pre-recorded, so there's no need to log in live at any specific time.
Work on your own schedule, from any laptop, tablet, or from the comfort of your couch or kitchen table, as long as you have an internet connection!

You can continue doing what you're doing (and you already know that's not working), so a month, a year, and five years from now, you'll be stuck in the same place, wishing you had taken action sooner.
You can continue to piecemeal the free, conflicting info you're getting from the blogs, word-of-mouth, and Youtube videos until you have enough to throw at the wall and pray that it sticks.
Or you can take action now to gain all the knowledge, tools, resources, and support you need to start building your ready-to-buy target reader audience so you can fuel an explosive book launch and consistent book sales.

what's it gonna be ...
Your success depends entirely on your own effort, motivation, commitment, and follow through. We cannot predict and we do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to a specific outcome or result you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this website or program. We make no promises or warranties concerning your likelihood of success, performance, future earnings, business profits, marketing performance, customer growth or results of any kind. You understand that with any business endeavor there is an inherent risk, including a loss of capital and loss of customers and therefore you assume all responsibility for any such risk.
I present testimonials and insights about other people's experiences with my program for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible.